triResolve Margin Email Disclaimer

triResolve Margin Email Disclaimer

This communication has been sent from a triResolve user via triResolve email functionality. Neither OSTTRA nor TriOptima is the sender of this communication and do not accept any liability or responsibility for this communication and any information contained in or attached to it. Any reliance on or use of this communication and any information contained in or attached to it shall be at the recipient’s own risk. All information contained in or attached to this communication is confidential, intended solely for the addressee. If you are not the intended addressee or receive this message in error, please immediately delete all copies of it and notify the sender.

OSTTRA and TriOptima have taken precautions to minimise the risk of transmitting software viruses, but advise you to carry out your own virus checks on any attachments. OSTTRA and TriOptima do not accept liability for any loss or damage caused by software viruses.

