\ For Initial Margin Monitoring

Flexible solutions to calculate and monitor IM exposure

Initial Margin Threshold Monitoring


Powered by OSTTRA triCalculate & OSTTRA triResolve Margin

Is your firm in scope for UMR, but not expected to exceed the regulatory threshold for initial margin (IM) exchange until a much later date – if ever? If so, IM monitoring is a simplified option that can help you achieve regulatory compliance.

\ Initial Margin Monitoring
\ Initial Margin Monitoring

Is your firm in scope for UMR, but not expected to exceed the regulatory threshold for initial margin (IM) exchange until a much later date – if ever? If so, IM monitoring is a simplified option that can help you achieve regulatory compliance.

Depending on their regulator, firms may be able to take advantage of potential relief, which states that completed legal documentation and custodian arrangements are not required until they breach the 50 million threshold with each of their counterparties. Thus firms with smaller IM exposure are required to only monitor that they remain below the threshold, potentially opening the door to a lighter path to IM compliance. Active monitoring of your IM exposure versus an internal tolerance amount will help you to identify when, if at all, you need to prioritise CSA documentation and custody account setup.
We understand that there is no ‘one size fits all’ which is why we offer a flexible IM threshold monitoring solution – choose the option that suits your firm’s requirements; easily moving from one method to another as your business needs change.

Case Study

See how a European Bank is able to easily switch from IM monitoring to active margin call management, using the same dashboard they use for VM 

A flexible solution for every need


Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
IM Calculation Method = IMTM / Internal triCalculate triCalculate / IMTM
IM Calculation Monitoring Method = triResolve Margin triCalculate triResolve Margin
Calculate IM internally
Calculate IM via schedule/grid
Calculate IM via SIMM
Receive CP IM (SIMM/schedule) calculation via IMTM or IMEM
Set IM monitoring tolerance
Receive notification when IM exceeds tolerance


Monitor IM exposure using counterparty IM, or own internal calculation
  • Upload own internal IM calculation,
  • Receive counterparty IM in triResolve Margin via Acadia’s IMTM or IMEM
  • Receive automated notification when IM exposure exceeds tolerance in triResolve Margin
 Calculate own IM exposure
  • Load trades to triCalculate
  • triCalculate calculates IM exposure for in-scope trades using SIMM or Schedule
  • Monitor IM exposure via triCalculate report
 Monitor IM exposure using own or counterparty valuation
  • Load trades to triCalculate
  • triCalculate calculates IM exposure for in-scope trades using SIMM or Schedule
  • Receive counterparty IM in triResolve Margin via Acadia’s IMTM or IMEM
  • Receive automated notification when IM exposure (own or CP) exceeds tolerance in triResolve Margin

Effective IM monitoring is about more than simply calculating IM. OSTTRA’s automated IM monitoring increases transparency by comparing a clients’ own  IM results versus a  counterparty, as well as providing an automated alert when IM exceeds limits.

Neil Murphy, Business Manager OSTTRA triResolve

Benefits of our IM Monitoring Solutions


Flexible options to calculate, validate and monitor your IM exposure.

Fully Automation Workflow

Our fully automated IM monitoring workflow reduces operational burden and allows you to save valuable resources.

Manage Exposure

Monitor both your own and counterparty IM exposure.

Threshold Notifications

Everything you need upon threshold breach at no extra cost (automated call exchange, securities collateral pledge/accept).

Pay-as-you-go pricing

Fees are charged only in respect of in-scope IM trades and agreements.


All ongoing support, maintenance and upgrades included.

Contact our team of Initial Margin experts

To find out more about our end-to-end post-trade solutions, please share your details with a short message and we will get in touch with you soon.

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