OSTTRA triResolve Margin: Preparing to Exchange IM

Client type: North American Regional Bank
Regulatory impact: UMR Phase 5 – AANA $/€50bn


Client summary

In-house solution used for collateral management with manual exchange of margin calls via email, combined with use of OSTTRA triResolve for portfolio reconciliation and dispute investigation. Subject to new uncleared margin rules (UMR) in phase 5. Primary focus was modernisation of their day to day process, including adoption of electronic messaging for margin call exchange, improved workflow support and replacement of legacy processes with automation, plus connectivity to IM infrastructure.


The use of old technology meant an over reliance on manual processing to support collateral requirements for several hundred margin agreements (both OTC & Repo). Users described the legacy solution as fragmented and error prone, resulting in slow and manual processing of calls. Further, the portfolio reconciliation and dispute investigation processes were not aligned with the collateral infrastructure, thus providing limited transparency. New UMR requirements were estimated to significantly increase margin call volumes.

Their existing collateral solution was designed for Variation Margin and would require extensive effort to build new automation and extend support for Initial Margin. The cost and resources required to extend the legacy system were large, and it became clear this approach didn’t align with the organisation’s strategy for risk and technology. Instead, they undertook an extensive review of vendor solutions via RFP, with the goal of identifying an automated vendor solution that provided support for both VM and IM via a single integrated service.



OSTTRA triResolve Margin was selected to replace the firm’s existing in-house collateral system with the objective of supporting both existing VM and new IM requirements following the September 1st deadline. As an existing OSTTRA triResolve portfolio reconciliation subscriber, the adoption of OSTTRA triResolve Margin was a natural fit.


This provided the ability to easily calculate margin calls using the data already submitted for reconciliation purposes, and with ‘one click’ integration between the services, they were able to eliminate the fragmented nature of their previous process. The firm also found new features from the added transparency of being able to see all margin calls derived using both their own, and counterparty, valuations.

With an expected increase in the volume of calls following UMR compliance, the firm required higher levels of automation. A key objective was to reduce the use of email for margin call communications, something they found both manual and slow. OSTTRA triResolve Margin not only solved this challenge with built-in connectivity to Acadia’s Margin Manager messaging service at no additional cost, but it also provides the Bank with the capability to automate the entire call workflow.

In order to provide both transparency and capability to manage disputes, the firm required a collateral solution that connects to both OSTTRA triResolve and Acadia’s Initial Margin Exposure Manager (IMEM) services. Use of OSTTRA triResolve Margin provides this connectivity with zero integration, allowing the Bank to easily drilldown into all VM and IM differences, identify issues, and collaborate with their counterparties to manage exceptions.

Our solution provides the firm with complete support for both VM & IM, an easy to use dashboard, new levels of automation, and connectivity with their counterparties using industry standard tools.


To learn more about Collateral Management, click here or contact us at info@trioptima.com.

OSTTRA triCalculate XVA Calculations

Case Study 1

Client type: Leading regional bank
Existing XVA support: In house
End User: Fixed income desk responsible for the Bank’s XVA book


Our client, who manages rates volatility and the bank’s XVA book from within the Fixed income desk, required fast and efficient calculations in order to check valuation adjustments for pricing/hedging new deals.

On top of this, our client uses total portfolio XVA for accounting and reporting purposes.

Before using OSTTRA triCalculate, the Bank was running XVA calculations in house which was time consuming. They have kept their internal calculation but use our service as a reliable benchmark in order to cross reference the numbers. They also benefit from the speed of our service when required to make quick trading decisions on pricing new deals. They found that relying on running the calculations manually in house using a spreadsheet produced numerous inconsistencies and was becoming an operational risk. They have now been using the service for more than three years and are very happy with the support and results they have received.


Case Study 2

Client type: Regional Bank
Existing XVA support: Alternative vendor installed software
End User: XVA desk with a focus on derivatives pricing


Our client manages the XVA desk, with special focus on derivatives pricing including XVA adjustments and needed a fast and reliable source of XVA calculations (especially pre-deal checks) and to calculate overnight CVA/DVA.

The existing vendor solution was unable to handle the pre-deal checks fast enough. The client wanted to switch to a service which offered accurate and efficient pre-deal checks with as little disruption to the business as possible, they understood a switch to our solution would be smooth and well supported.


Case Study 3

Client type: Asset Manager
Existing XVA support: Vendor solution
End User: Counterparty Risk Manager


The client is the Counterparty Risk Manager and needed a future-proof solution for ISDA SIMM calculation as required under the uncleared margin rules (UMR) regulation.

Additionally, the client needed to calculate pre-settlement exposure (PFE) daily, which they used as an input to determine trading availability per bilateral OTC counterparty. The client’s existing vendor was only able to provide PFE calculations and not IM calculations.


Case Study 4

Client type: Regional Bank
Existing XVA support: In house
End User: Risk Management Office


The client is part of the Bank’s risk management office and needed CVA/DVA calculations for accountancy purposes.

They had not previously calculated XVA and needed a fast and reliable solution, with no ongoing maintenance required.


Case Study 5

Client type: Major multinational energy and gas company
Existing XVA support: In house
End User: Credit Risk Management with a focus on derivatives


Our client manages the risk management and quantitative analytics team of a multinational corporate that was in scope for uncleared margin rules (UMR). They needed a sophisticated solution for both initial margin and XVA calculations, especially MVA (margin valuation adjustment) and ‘what-if’ pre-deal check scenarios to optimise bilateral IM exposures.

They had not previously calculated any XVA metrics and their existing in-house solution was unable to calculate initial margin and MVA, or perform any what-if pre-deal check simulations to optimise their global risk management. They needed a reliable solution that could assist with their regulatory requirements while requiring as little implementation as possible. Additionally, they also wanted to be able to benchmark their daily internal potential future exposure (PFE) calculations.


Our Solution

These firms took the decision to use OSTTRA triCalculate for their XVA and PFE calculations as the service provides a sophisticated, easy-to-use, web-based solution that automates the XVA calculation process and feeds the calculation results directly into a firm’s reporting mechanisms.

The streamlined onboarding was fast and smooth, minimising the impact on the business, and a case manager was assigned to handle any issues. OSTTRA triCalculate undertook all the data mapping ensuring that the firms existing data file formats could be uploaded directly via the API or via SFTP, giving the clients the option to fully automate the process without having to dedicate time on transforming the data into a specified file format. All clients benefit from having full transparency into XVAs, exposure profiles including expected exposures and expected IM and, if applicable, they can see the impact on these from pre-deal decisions.


To learn more about our XVA Calculation Service click here, or email info@trioptima.com.

Trade novation to support Asset Manager merger

Client type: Global Asset Manager



Following the completion of an asset manager merger, Custom Processing was approached to facilitate the transfer of selected funds and associated bilateral trades on OSTTRA MarkitWire and OSTTRA Trade Manager


OSTTRA Solution:

Following a review of the scope of work, the asset manager leveraged the Custom Processing team to handle all activities pertaining to the novation of trades across OSTTRA MarkitWire and OSTTRA Trade Manager


OSTTRA Delivered:


Customer Benefits


Focused, Tried and Tested


For more information or to arrange a call with a member of the Team please email info@osttra.com.

Post-Trade Dictionary: Decode Industry Terms from A to Z with this Post-Trade Glossary

OSTTRA launches new solution to digitise paper confirmations

NEW YORK, LONDON, 14th July 2022 – OSTTRA, the global post-trade solutions company, today announced the launch of a paper digitisation solution that enables market participants to reduce the amount of time it takes to process paper confirmations for complex over-the-counter (OTC) derivative transactions from hours to minutes.

The new solution is a significant enhancement to the existing paper trade workflows for Investment Managers on OSTTRA Trade Manager, automating trade review and matching processes to achieve faster confirmations.  With tens of thousands of OTC trades still captured on long form paper, reviewing trade details, terms and conditions is an arduous task for all firms, resulting in significant operational cost and risk.

The enhanced solution uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to extract and digitise critical details from pdf transaction records, such as the notional value of a swap or strike price of an options contract.  Creating this digitised representation of the trade is critical to automating onward processing and reducing the risk of human error in reviewing or transcribing these complex transactions.

Umniya Ahmed, Executive Director, Investment Management strategy, at OSTTRA, said: “Historically, the time it takes to process and confirm a paper OTC trade can take days and in some cases weeks. No two documents have the same legal structure – which presents a major headache to a typical investment manager dealing with multiple counterparties and numerous instrument types.  Our solution uses AI to adapt to any type of paper transaction, irrespective of length or format.

By adding a paper digitisation element to Trade Manager, Investment Managers will be able to process the more intricate derivatives transactions alongside their existing electronic trade flow – allowing them to monitor all their OTC trades in one place.”

The launch of this new solution reflects OSTTRA’s ongoing commitment to expanding its services for the Investment Management community, leveraging its global network to streamline and standardise post-trade workflows.

The paper digitisation solution is available for FX options and equity swaps from this month, and then fixed income options, commodity swaps and non-deliverable forwards (NDFs) from September.

OSTTRA was formed in 2021 through the combination of MarkitServ, Traiana, TriOptima and Reset, four businesses that have been at the heart of post-trade evolution and innovation for more than 20 years.


To find out more, click here.

New FINRA 4210 Margin Requirements – What Do Firms Need to Know?

Following eight years of delay and postponement, the ‘4210’ rules finally come into effect 22 May 2024. In-scope firms with covered agency transactions, including To Be Announced (TBAs), pool transactions & Collateral Mortgage Obligations (CMOs) will become subject to daily margin requirements (or equivalent capital deductions).


What should firms focus on?

While immediate priority should be given to establishing and updating legal Master Securities Forward Transaction Agreement (MSFTA) documentation, the broader challenge is to establish the BAU processes to correctly identify in-scope trades, perform daily MTM valuations and manage margin exchange (or capital deductions).


How can OSTTRA help?

Ahead of the regulatory go-live, firms are already using our services to manage both reconciliation and margining of their MSFTA portfolios.

OSTTRA triResolve provides an automated way to align portfolios & resolve differences. We reconcile over 90% of all bilateral OTC derivatives across 2,000+ groups. You benefit from a centralised service model with a global network where you and your counterparties share the same view and work together to resolve any differences.



OSTTRA triResolve Margin leverages the portfolio reconciliation data and automates the margin call exchange & collateral settlement process.


Standardisation & Optimisation

Simplifies data capture & normalisation, supports data quality checks and provides best-practice workflows across products.

Cost Effective

Our transparent pricing model is pay as you go with no hidden fees.

Rapid onboarding

No installation required. Be up and testing in days.

Operational efficiencies

Retire manual processes – reducing operating costs and allowing you to focus resources on risk & compliance.

Robust dispute resolution

Reconciliation analytics pinpoint where you have disputes and identifies what is driving them.

Multiproduct coverage

Multi asset class and product support including Bilateral, Cleared, ETD, Repo and TBA.


To find out more about our Margin solutions, contact us below.

Margin Management Success Stories

Read how our clients are using our complete margin management solutions.

OSTTRA and LCH SwapAgent collaborate to reconcile bilateral OTC trade data

LONDON, 2nd August, 2022 – OSTTRA, the global post-trade solutions company, today announced that its market-leading portfolio reconciliation service, OSTTRA triResolve, is actively reconciling data received from LCH SwapAgent, part of London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG).

Building on an existing relationship between OSTTRA and LCH SwapAgent, where trades legally confirmed on OSTTRA MarkitWire are registered into the LCH SwapAgent non-cleared service, this collaboration provides enhanced benefits to customers.

LCH SwapAgent is a service designed to standardise and simplify the valuation and settlement of non-cleared OTC derivatives and is now connected to OSTTRA triResolve to enable the reconciliation of member trade data.

Market participants can authorise SwapAgent to send their data directly to OSTTRA triResolve so that they can reconcile all their holdings versus counterparties in one place – at the required regulatory frequency for total portfolio size. This enables participants to use one coherent reconciliation process that takes advantage of OSTTRA triResolve’s workflow tools to help investigate and resolve differences.

“We are pleased to assist the market with this direct link. Having all portfolios on OSTTRA triResolve, enabling a straight through process, reduces operational complexity for our customers” said Sheila Schofield, triResolve Business Management. “Firms impacted by uncleared margin rules will also benefit from a streamlined process when managing regulatory initial margin” Sheila added.

“We continue to work with OSTTRA triResolve to help our members achieve greater operational efficiencies. Facilitating direct delivery of data for market participants, to enable an easy regulatory reconciliations process, helps to enhance automation and is a major benefit for the non-cleared derivatives marketplace” said Nathan Ondyak, Global Head of LCH SwapAgent.

OSTTRA was formed in 2021 through the combination of MarkitServ, Traiana, TriOptima and Reset, four businesses that have been at the heart of post-trade evolution and innovation for more than 20 years.  This integration with SwapAgent reflects OSTTRA’s ongoing commitment to build upon its global network, creating partnerships across the industry to streamline post-trade workflows for financial markets.

2024 Outlook for Collateral Managers

Looking ahead at the calendar of global events, 2024 is shaping up to be quite a big year. Elections in more than 20 countries, not least in the UK, US & India; ongoing geopolitical tensions and war; plus on the sporting front, the return of the Olympics to Paris for first time in 100 years. With all that going on, the world of collateral management might seem a little more prosaic!
Neil Murphy, Business Manager at OSTTRA considers the key focus areas for Collateral Managers in 2024.



Eight years since the introduction of mandatory requirements for non-cleared derivatives (Uncleared Margin Rules, or ‘UMR’), firms both big and small face continued efforts to navigate UMR impacts, particularly related to the monitoring of entities not yet in-scope and IM documentation. In addition, 2024 heralds the introduction of additional UMR requirements in new jurisdictions (including Mexico and India), bringing firms into scope not only in these countries, but also potentially impacting their counterparts around the world. To assess the impact, firms must adhere to AANA (Average Aggregated Notional Amount) calculation windows (March – May) to evaluate newly impacted entities and liaise with counterparties to understand the corresponding impact. Further, this may create an on-going requirement for new legal documentation and custody arrangements.

OSTTRA triResolve Margin: Preparing to Exchange IM

FINRA 4210 rules for margining of TBA trades have been repeatedly delayed since 2016, but firms finally now have a May 2024 deadline for which to prepare. And while the introduction of margin requirements on these trades may seem like just another asset class, the rules contain a unique set of characteristics, including the potential to waive margin exchange in lieu of additional capital charges.

In terms of transaction reporting, 2024 will be a crucial year marked by noteworthy changes across several jurisdictions (EU/UK EMIR Refit; CFTC Rewrite; JFSA Rewrite; ASIC/MAS updates). Given the global aspect of these changes, most OTC derivatives users will find themselves effected, and priority should be given to understanding new requirements and necessary changes to both reporting & validation. Key changes require reporting of new fields (taking the number to more than 200!); additional standardisation via adoption of the ISO 20022 standard; the introduction of Unique Product Identifiers and a move away from file upload to use of XML. For firms who delegate reporting, while the rules don’t alter the obligation, the scope of the upcoming changes means firms should seek to evaluate that their reporting party is able to comply, given that they remain liable for reporting.

Process improvements

Winston Churchill may not be the obvious guru for Collateral Managers, however his observation that ‘to improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often’ sounds like sage advice. Whether the driver for change is regulation; organic business growth or cost savings, 2024 should see firms focus their attention on improving existing operational processes, as well as laying the foundation to support new initiatives.

“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often”
Winston Churchill

While UMR has been a key driver of increased workloads in recent years, both in terms of project delivery and creation of an operational framework, it is likely to continue to occupy the minds, and time, of Collateral Managers. For those firms who have so far taken the ‘lighter’ route of IM monitoring, they may find themselves approaching IM thresholds, and hence may need to improve operational capacity to manage the margining, settlement and reconciliation of Initial Margin. And even those more mature firms with robust IM capacity may find themselves stretched by additional volumes, necessitating further investment in workflow automation and triparty connectivity. For firms who chose to reduce the impact of UMR by outsourcing the day-to-day management of IM requirements, many are now reviewing that and determining whether the time is right to bring in-house.

Recognising the ongoing UMR challenge, a recent BCBS-IOSCO paper recommended that ‘firms should ensure that existing UMR frameworks expand as existing Initial Margin exposure increases, potentially forcing firms to move from a low effort ‘monitoring’ approach to a more resource intense (and costly) exchange of Initial Margin’.

“firms should ensure that existing UMR frameworks expand as existing Initial Margin exposure increases, potentially forcing firms to move from a low effort ‘monitoring’ approach to a more resource intense (and costly) exchange of Initial Margin” 

The same paper also proposed recommendations to ‘encourage more widespread automation and standardisation of the margining operational processes and highlight the need for proper operational risk management’. For many, such improvements should focus on improved use of electronic messaging for margin call exchange, thus reducing time and efforts, plus improving the end to process, particularly around collateral settlement and dispute resolution.

While much of the market focus has been on improvements for OTC margining, firms should now leverage these same tools to bring efficiencies across Cleared, Repo and ETD products. Case in point is exchange traded products, with more than 130 billion contracts traded in 2023, doubling in just two years. A focus on adoption of industry standards (systems; protocols; processes etc.), can help facilitate synergies across products, further allowing firms to manage risks centrally and reduce overall costs.


Technology upgrade

Improved technology is central to helping firms meet their requirements around regulatory change and operational improvements. While some firms used UMR as an opportunity for system upgrade and renewal, others took a ‘wait and see’ approach. Given the current trend for increased automation, a potential need for ongoing regulatory tweaks – combined with moves to consolidate margin processing onto a single platform – and that previous investment is now looking like money well spent.

SWIFT automation for Collateral Managers

Key areas of focus are leverage of cloud capability and shared use of network infrastructures to reduce cost and quickly help firms achieve industry best-practice. Infrastructure improvements across the collateral lifecycle can help firms leverage automation to meet increasing volumes and operate within shorter time windows.


An impact of regulation can be to increase both capital and liquidity costs. While rising interest rates make the use of cash collateral increasingly more expensive. The net impact is that more and more firms are considering how optimisation can be used to combat these increases.

The goal of optimisation may be different for each organisation, so firms need to work across Risk, Front Office and Operations to determine the most appropriate optimisation objectives for their firm. Some may choose to focus on minimising capital costs (SA-CCR; RWA etc), while others prioritise operational efficiency or reduced funding cost (SIMM; CCP IM etc.) – while for others a multi-function approach may be necessary. Pre-trade optimisation capabilities may be used to help firms select the optimal trading venue or counterparty, while a post-trade strategy may assist firms to offset risk through compression or offsetting trades, or lower funding cost by selection of cheaper collateral assets.

Capital and liquidity optimisation require complex processing and are often applied in a real-time environment hence some firms may determine the pay-off is not yet sufficient. This doesn’t mean they should disregard optimisation entirely. Instead they should focus on operational optimisation, improving processes to minimise manual efforts and deliver the highest levels of STP.



How firms balance the above challenges will vary based on their individual starting point; budget; Front Office/regulatory focus and technology capability. OSTTRA is helping firms address these challenges every day. In 2023 we saw record adoption across new asset classes, as firms focus on centralised processing for Cleared, Repo and ETD products. Similarly, we see more and more firms embracing cloud and automation to manage their end-to-end collateral business, while the optimisation conundrum continues to drive client conversations.

Given this year is also marked by the first US-crewed mission to the moon in more than 50 years, perhaps the question for Collateral Managers is, ‘will they take a small step, or a giant leap in 2024’?

XVA at the Forefront: Addressing Key Financial Challenges

Dai Yamashita, Post-Trade Quantitative Research & Development Manager at OSTTRA, guides us through the dynamic landscape of XVA, focusing on key themes that currently resonate within our customer base.

Archegos crisis and recognition of the importance of XVA

In recent years, significant loss incidents such as the Archegos crisis have fuelled growing interest in XVA among various financial institutions. Notably, the function of XVA desks and their role in counterparty risk management has become increasingly vital.

For accounting purposes, mid-sized financial institutions have been required to implement CVA by regulators and auditors. The introduction of CVA into accounting has increased the interest of management and created pressure to consider CVA in pricing and risk management. We are aware of the increasing need for calculations in Front Office and Risk Management at those institutions, such as CVA sensitivity calculations and pre-deal CVA simulations.

Through our market-leading collateral management platforms OSTTRA triResolve and triResolve Margin, we have observed that a wide range of financial institutions are becoming increasingly aware of the significance of CSA terms for CVA in collateralised trades.

OSTTRA tricalculate xva case study link



Financial institutions, including non-G-SIB regional banks, that have established XVA desks are actively managing XVA according to their business characteristics. For example, the migration from CEM to SA-CCR could motivate a wide range of banks to start managing KVA based on SA-CCR to prepare for the increased capital cost on short-term transactions.

From a macro perspective, CVA has long been a concern for authorities due to the adverse selection problem, where the systemic risk arises from CVA-unfavourable trades being concentrated in financial institutions lacking proper CVA management. A similar mechanism applies to KVA as well. There is a risk that transactions unfavourable in terms of cost of capital may become concentrated in institutions that do not actively manage KVA, leading to a widening gap in capital cost performance. Consequently, we anticipate that KVA will increasingly become a growing concern for an even broader range of financial institutions in the future.

Benchmark Reform and FVA

Benchmark Reform, including the finalisation of the LIBOR part in June 2023, could also have implications for XVA. If the LIBOR discount was previously applied to uncollateralised trades before the Benchmark Reform, the application of the OIS discount as a result of the Benchmark Reform will lead to a smaller difference in the valuation treatment between uncollateralised and collateralised trades. This has increased the importance for a wide range of financial institutions to properly consider the funding costs/benefits of uncollateralised trades through FVA.

Basel III

Regarding the finalisation of Basel III, SA-CVA is likely to be a significant topic of discussion. While there may be reasonable hurdles, such as the need to establish a CVA desk and obtain approval from authorities, it is expected to be more effective in reducing RWAs by hedging credit risk using a proxy or hedging market risk. Moreover, the impact of collateral can be directly considered in the exposure simulation, further enhancing the effectiveness of reduction efforts. This presents an excellent opportunity for financial institutions to begin managing CVA within the CVA desk framework.

As an example, our OSTTRA triCalculate XVA engine not only supports XVA sensitivities but is also optimised for performance using GPU utilisation, enabling us to overcome performance challenges. With this capability, we aim to assist financial institutions seeking to reduce RWAs through SA-CVA in the future.

UMR, MVA and collateral modelling

Another recent regulatory change is the implementation of Phase 6 of the UMR in September 2022. Alongside the initiation of Phase 5 in 2021, a significant number of financial institutions worldwide have come under IM regulations, making IM exchange for interbank transactions even more common.

From an XVA perspective, it now becomes more essential to consider the impact of future IM in both CVA and MVA calculations.

Depending on the calculation approach, this may involve computing SIMM sensitivities at future simulation dates, which can be computationally intensive and equivalent to MVA in terms of complexity. However, in our case, OSTTRA triCalculate provides a SIMM calculation engine alongside the XVA engine, which has been widely adopted by many financial institutions globally. We can effectively leverage the SIMM engine to perform accurate and up-to-date SIMM computations in MVA/CVA calculations. This ensures a comprehensive and robust assessment of the implications of future IM in XVA considerations.

Furthermore, in response to the evolution of IM regulations, there has been a standardisation of margin conventions that consider both IM and VM IA (Independent Amount). As a comprehensive provider of collateral management-related platforms, OSTTRA remains constantly updated with the latest developments in these areas and incorporates them into our XVA calculations as required.

Regarding collateral treatment, although there has been a general trend preferring “clean CSA”, where cash collateral is posted in the currency of the underlying trade, there is still considerable demand for handling various types of collateral posting. As a response to our clients’ needs, OSTTRA triCalculate has recently enhanced its collateral handling capabilities and upgraded the ColVA calculation accordingly, ensuring flexibility and adaptability to different collateral requirements.



User-friendly and holistic calculation service

From our perspective as a provider of XVA calculation services, we understand the increasing benefits of performing various derivatives-related calculations in an integrated manner. The ability to conduct multiple calculations from a unified interface, efficiently and cohesively, brings significant advantages. For example, performing SIMM calculations at future simulation dates within MVA/CVA computations or addressing the need for SA-CCR calculation in CCR KVA using the same interface as the spot SIMM/SA-CCR calculations proves highly advantageous.

We aim to meet the varied calculation requirements of our clients through a comprehensive approach. By considering this aspect and focusing on usability optimisation, we strive to offer a solution that streamlines the process and enhances overall performance. Our goal is to provide a user-friendly and effective platform that caters to the evolving needs of our clients in the realm of derivatives-related calculations.


To find out more, talk to a member of our team at info@osttra.com.

