TriOptima named Best Compression and Optimization Service

TriOptima named Best Compression and Optimization Service


As the transition to the new capital regime on counterparty risk and uncleared financial instruments gathers pace, an increasing number of firms with substantial exposure to over-the-counter (OTC) FX derivatives are looking for ways to reduce their gross notional and counterparty exposure in the most efficient manner.

In 2021, their toil is proving particularly laborious. Hundreds of firms will have been caught by phase five of the uncleared margin rules (UMR), which took effect on September 1, and many more will have to adapt the manner in which they calculate their exposure to derivatives contracts when the last remaining – and some of the largest – jurisdictions shift from the current exposure model to the standardized approach to counterparty credit risk (SA-CCR) by the end of 2021.

To fulfil their obligations, many financial firms have sought out TriOptima’s compression and optimization solutions over the past year, with noteworthy effects on the risk exposure of those in the network.
In January alone, $541 billion of gross notional was eliminated by TriOptima’s clients through its triReduce compression service, more than double the amount achieved the previous year. And, similarly, the triBalance service executed its largest ever optimization FX cycle at the beginning of 2021.

“Looking at the past 12 months, I’m most proud of the fact that we are live optimizing capital exposures in an ever-growing network,” says Erik Petri, head of triBalance solutions at TriOptima. “I can say with confidence that we offer the market’s largest optimization network for bilateral counterparty credit risk for the FX market.”

While reducing gross exposure to meet UMR rules and rebalancing counterparty risk to satisfy SA-CCR requirements can be met separately, Petri strongly encourages firms to accomplish both of these within the same cycle, rather than running separate compression and optimization cycles.

“It is extremely important for firms to consider optimizing both UMR and SA-CCR in one go,” he says. “Otherwise they risk suppressing one exposure while increasing the other, and that’s not ideal. In the FX market there is the opportunity to optimise the two in an extremely efficient way.”

The way TriOptima enables firms to achieve both goals simultaneously is that, during the compression side of the cycle, a set of forward and swap trades are replaced with new transactions with a combined gross notional that is worth less than the original notional. During the optimization portion of the cycle, short-term risk-reducing FX non-deliverable forwards and forward hedge trades are introduced across all relationships so each participant remains market-risk neutral. In this way, both initial margin and counterparty credit exposures can be reduced simultaneously, while at the same time reducing the gross notional outstanding.

Until recently, running this type of scenario was largely the remit of global systemically important banks – known as G-Sibs. In the past 12 months, however, an increasing number of smaller sell-side players have joined TriOptima’s network, with the buy-side also showing interest in the benefits that compression and optimization can offer.

“We are now seeing that interest filtering beyond the top-tier banks with regional banks and second-tier banks more focused on net optimization, not only because of the introduction of SA-CCR but also more generically,” says Mattias Palm, head of triReduce FX at TriOptima.

“While SA-CCR is only applicable to banks, we also see increasing interest on the buy-side, even though they’re not directly driven from a capital cost perspective,” says Palm. “Bilateral exposure comes with a cost to everyone, and a lot can be done across all kinds of institutions to minimize it.” While making the necessary technological investments to centralise their portfolios can be considerable for many firms, the benefits for TriOptima’s network of participants, that come from reducing risk through compressing and rebalancing a derivatives portfolio, can run into the millions, not only in the funding cost of initial margin but also the cost of capital.

“It’s impossible to put an exact number at the moment, but we know there are significant savings to be achieved,” says Petri.

“The transition to SA-CCR is a big deal for the industry,” he says. “And it’s something that we expect will drive growth over the coming years. There will be an increased need in the FX industry to keep counterparty credit risk down through rebalancing and compression. FX is one of the asset classes where bilateral liquidity – in terms of outstanding trades – is significant.”

Also worth noting is that OSTTRA’s triCalculate has developed an SA-CCR engine that calculates SA-CCR figures for portfolios containing a wide variety of derivatives transactions – margined and unmargined, as well as bilateral and cleared – across all asset classes, according to the latest guidelines.

OSTTRA’s TriOptima was voted Best compression and optimization service for FX at the 2021 FX Markets e-FX Awards.

OSTTRA triCalculate: Initial Margin Analytics

Case Study 1

Client type: European Pension Fund
IM analytics challenge: IM exposure calculations and Pre-deal check simulations
End User: Derivatives trading and structuring desk


Our client who manages the derivatives trading desk at a large European insurance company needed a fast and efficient way of running ‘what-if’ initial margin scenarios in order to optimise exposures before derivatives trade execution.

The client is using OSTTRA triCalculate to calculate their daily IM exposures for derivatives subject to uncleared margin rules. They also benefit from the pre-deal check capabilities of the service which allows them to make informed trading decisions when pricing new deals to find the optimal counterparty in terms of IM. They have been using the service since coming into scope as part of phase 5 of the uncleared margin rules and value having the ability to run fast and efficient pre-deal check simulations. Additionally, they use the pre-deal check module to help mitigate the risk of breaching regulatory UMR or internal thresholds.


Case Study 2

Client type: Leading US Regional Bank
IM analytics challenge: IM exposure calculations, stress testing and forecasting
End User: Collateral management team


Our client who is part of the regional bank’s collateral management team, needed daily IM exposure calculations.

The client needed to simulate changes to trade populations and to assess their impact on their IM exposures as their auditor required the bank to monitor how trade expirations were leading to changes in IM.

Additionally the client had an internal requirement to occasionally benchmark how their IM exposures would change if they switched calculation model by using the schedule/grid approach instead of the more risk sensitive SIMM model. The client’s risk team also required the collateral team to stress their IM exposures by using stressed and/or alternative sources of market data.


Case Study 3

Client type: European Regional Bank
IM analytics challenge: IM exposure calculations and regulatory model backtesting
End User: Credit Risk Manager


Our client manages the credit risk management team of a large regional bank that was in scope for the uncleared margin rules for derivatives transactions.

They needed a solution for calculating their daily IM exposures and also a tool to help them cope with the regulatory requirement of backtesting the SIMM model on a quarterly basis. The bank required a backtesting solution to compare the 10 day SIMM IM to 10 day actual P&L moves.


Our Solution

These firms took the decision to use OSTTRA for their regulatory IM calculations. The service provides an easy-to-use, web-based solution that streamlines the daily IM process. Our clients benefit from transparency into their IM exposures and the ability to gain a more detailed understanding of their overall IM exposures through pre-deal check simulations, backtesting reports and IM analytics via an intuitive and flexible interface. The interactive interface further allows clients to decompose their total IM exposures into its different components and to run detailed P&L explain reports to understand day-to-day changes in margin amounts.

All clients also benefit from being able to run simulations on trade population changes through the interactive interface by uploading amended input files or performing simulations using alternative market data.


For more information about the our Initial Margin analytics service, please email

Centralising the reconciliation process for a US Corporate

Client type: Mid sized corporate
Existing reconciliation: In-house/manual



The firm uses portfolio reconciliation as a financial control around swap position verification and to support the collateral disputes and hedging processes. In addition, they use counterparty mark-to-market as an observation point in their own pricing validation routines.

This was a manual undertaking they supported by collecting daily dealer statements for both swap positions and collateral positions, each from a different source and in its own format.

Given increasing trading volumes and number of counterparties, the lack of automation in the portfolio reconciliation process meant that the operations team struggled to manage these manual tasks in a timely and efficient manner:

The manual nature of the tasks, as well as the dependency on counterparties’ timing and consistency in delivering required statements, meant that a lot of the team’s time and resource was being used to complete the process.


Time pressure, a lack of an organised workflow and a multiple-touch point process led to a greater risk of work repetition and an increased number of errors.


With an increasing workload, resolving the root cause of the differences was harder to achieve, which in turn was increasing the number of issues. In addition, the lack of transparency on the positions between parties also made it difficult to clearly communicate about breaks with counterparties.

Ensuring accuracy of their portfolio’s trade economics and valuations against their counterparties was key to reducing risk for the firm, as their hedging is only effective if they have an accurate view of exposures. In addition, they were finding that booking and processing errors had significant cost implications.


Our Solution

The firm took the decision to use OSTTRA triResolve for its portfolio reconciliation. Since all of their counterparties use OSTTRA triResolve as their primary swaps reconciliation engine, OSTTRA triResolve was able to streamline onboarding to their web-based leveraged technology platform and the client was up and running in just 10 days.

By centralising the reconciliation process, the firm now has access to all its counterparties in one place. OSTTRA triResolve can help with seamlessly automating the process, centrally receiving and normalising counterparty data and producing match results with a transparent bilateral view between parties.

This has resulted in an efficient, low-touch reconciliation process, where differences are highlighted instantly, enabling the firm to adopt an exception-based workflow. This allows the team to focus on the items that require their attention thus freeing up staff for higher value activities.


The firm can now work with its counterparties directly, in real-time, to resolve the differences, as opposed to working independently.


Additionally, the platform’s analytical, workflow, and communication tools allow root causes and underlying drivers of differences to be identified, assigned, tracked and resolved, thus contributing to a more accurate view of their portfolios’ exposures.

Positions can now be verified in a fraction of the time, ensuring the firm’s hedges are accurate. The firm has also automatically ingested counterparty mark-to-markets into their price verification process, increasing controls by eliminating any manual involvement.


To learn more about Portfolio Reconciliation, click here or contact us at

OSTTRA triResolve Analytics

OSTTRA triResolve analytics provides trend analysis of your trade portfolio from a reconciliation, risk and collateral perspective.



OSTTRA triResolve Dispute Analytics

OSTTRA triResolve dispute analytics leverages underlying reconciliation data to automate attribution of dispute root cause. The feature enables systematic analysis of what is driving margin call disputes over time.


*Accessible to all OSTTRA triResolve clients 

OSTTRA triResolve Dispute Manager

OSTTRA triResolve Dispute Manager combines margin call data with portfolio reconciliation results to automate attribution of dispute drivers and enable a systemic dispute identification, tracking  & resolution process.


Managing XVA in a Changing World: Challenges and Opportunities

XVA (X-Valuation Adjustments) have become an essential part of risk management in modern finance, reflecting the all-in cost of trading derivatives. Used by a range of institutions, from global and regional banks to asset managers and energy companies, XVA calculations are becoming increasingly important. However, challenges in their use remain, including inconsistent approaches, outdated technology, regulatory changes and the need for greater transparency.

What are the most pressing challenges facing the industry in managing XVA?

The industry faces two key challenges. Firstly, a lack of consistency in the approach to calculating XVA, including which XVA components to consider and when. This is particularly evident with the introduction of newer adjustments such as Margin Valuation Adjustment (MVA) and Capital Valuation adjustment (KVA), where treatment varies relative to the more widely agreed approach for Credit Valuation Adjustment (CVA), Debit Valuation Adjustment (DVA), and Funding Valuation Adjustment (FVA). However, with the regulatory-driven shift to greater levels of central clearing and the introduction of uncleared margin rules, the focus has moved on to MVA. Against this backdrop, we have been working with a wide range of clients to help them quantify margin cost from today until their portfolio maturity.

Secondly, many institutions are challenged by inadequate XVA infrastructure. Large banks often rely on in-house systems that struggle to handle the data volume and computational needs of an evolving XVA desk. Others struggle with expensive hardware and installed software that is costly and difficult to upgrade.

To what extent does the evolving regulatory landscape pose challenges for making definitive XVA decisions?

If you take margin and capital valuation adjustments, for example, projecting future margin and capital requirements is inherently challenging when regulatory changes and model revisions cannot be fully anticipated. However, it is important to recognise that a robust XVA system will have a wide range of calculation configurations which can be changed and clearly explained. For example, we often work with clients to understand the impact of changes such as the recalibration of the SIMM model on MVA calculations, or a model change from CEM to SA-CCR on KVA calculations.

How have recent regulatory changes impacted your clients’ XVA calculation needs?

The increasing focus on expected Initial Margin (IM) profiles and MVA has led to a number of our clients who manage Variation and Initial Margin via OSTTRA triResolve Margin, to use more sophisticated margin analytics. Forecasting IM accurately will involve computing SIMM sensitivities at future simulation dates. OSTTRA triCalculate effectively leverages our IM engine to perform precise and up-to-date SIMM computations within MVA/CVA calculations, ensuring a comprehensive and robust assessment of the implications of future IM in XVA.

OSTTRA tricalculate xva case study link

What is the potential impact of cloud computing and web-based technologies on XVA calculation and data management?

Cloud computing and web-based technologies are poised to fundamentally transform XVA calculation and data management. By eliminating the need for expensive hardware and installed software, these technologies offer a more efficient and cost-effective approach. Cloud platforms centralise XVA data and calculations, fostering collaboration and transparency across an organisation – a critical advantage in today’s dynamic financial landscape.

Furthermore, cloud solutions provide the scalability and flexibility needed to adapt to evolving market conditions and regulations. With faster and easier implementation than traditional on-premises solutions, web-based systems offer a compelling path to optimisation for institutions seeking to enhance their XVA processes.

OSTTRA’s XVA service operates in our on-premise private cloud and we have invested in high performance GPU-focused servers. We are constantly evaluating the benefits of remaining in our private cloud versus moving to the public cloud.

How can OSTTRA help?

Our priority is high-speed, accurate calculations, enabling financial institutions to process previously unachievable daily risk calculations. Our web-based approach provides accessibility, transparency and consistent calculations to multiple departments and teams. By running 100,000 Monte Carlo paths as standard, we ensure increased accuracy in XVA, which is particularly valuable for analyses such as P&L attribution using sensitivities – exceeding the capabilities of many legacy systems.

Our solution is designed with user-friendliness and transparency in mind, providing consistent, interactive calculations accessible to all stakeholders. Clients transitioning from legacy systems have reported a smooth experience and increased adoption, contributing to a more informed and collaborative approach.

OSTTRA triCalculate provides XVA risk calculations across credit, debt, funding, margin, capital and collateral for bilateral OTC derivatives. Our web based service provides efficient XVA calculations using transparent and consistent models. To learn more, contact or visit

ISDA SIMM Version 2.7: How will the SIMM recalibration affect initial margin requirements?

The recalibration of the ISDA Standard Initial Margin Model (SIMM) reflects the latest market risk assessments and is set to go live on 7 December 2024. SIMM 2.7 is expected to reduce initial margin requirements for most market participants, as the delta risk weights for asset classes such as equity, commodities and qualifying credit have been significantly decreased. This adjustment is mainly due to the exclusion of the volatile early pandemic period in the calibration of the model. The largest increases in risk weights will apply to high yield and non-rated credit non-qualifying assets and trades involving high-volatility FX currencies.

Although the recalibration generally will reduce margin requirements, there are many aspects to the model, making it difficult to anticipate how the numbers will move for everyone. For example, delta concentration thresholds that determine what positions are given higher weight in the risk calculations, are generally lowered across all assets. Hence, more positions will breach these thresholds and therefore be subject to increased margin, potentially impacting less diversified portfolios with large, concentrated positions. In contrast, higher vega concentration thresholds and lower vega risk weights will likely reduce exposure amounts for options, especially options that are more sensitive to implied volatility changes, hence lowering margin requirements.

Preliminary data from client portfolios shows up to 26% reductions in initial margin requirements, though the degree of benefit will vary based on portfolio composition. Overall, the reduced margin burden allows clients to allocate their capital more freely.

An interesting aspect of the recalibration is that some clients close to the €50 million initial margin threshold, the bilateral threshold at which firms are obliged to exchange initial margin with a certain counterparty, might remain out of scope for longer. Some clients that are currently above the threshold for posting IM could even be pushed back under and continue to monitor their IM.

On a final note, ISDA will start to update the parameters semi-annually after SIMM 2.7 to more effectively adapt the model to prevailing market conditions.


Ensuring a smooth transition with OSTTRA

OSTTRA triCalculate streamlines the move from the current SIMM version to version 2.7 by allowing clients to test the impact of the recalibration before it takes effect. Our comprehensive SIMM solution helps clients in navigating the evolving margin landscape effectively whether they are focused on margin exchange or on margin monitoring.

Our platform delivers accurate IM calculations with day-to-day variation tracking and offers a detailed breakdown per product, risk classes, sensitivities and buckets, giving users a better understanding of what is driving their IM amount. Clients can also run “what-if” analyses, including Pre-Deal Checks to assess potential impact of new or unwound trades, along with Market Data Stress Testing and Model Backtesting. Our continuous collaboration with clients enhances the user experience, focusing on clear and actionable risk insights to support better decision-making in collateral management.


Contact us at for more information.

OSTTRA launches new solution to digitise paper confirmations

NEW YORK, LONDON, 14th July 2022 – OSTTRA, the global post-trade solutions company, today announced the launch of a paper digitisation solution that enables market participants to reduce the amount of time it takes to process paper confirmations for complex over-the-counter (OTC) derivative transactions from hours to minutes.

The new solution is a significant enhancement to the existing paper trade workflows for Investment Managers on OSTTRA Trade Manager, automating trade review and matching processes to achieve faster confirmations.  With tens of thousands of OTC trades still captured on long form paper, reviewing trade details, terms and conditions is an arduous task for all firms, resulting in significant operational cost and risk.

The enhanced solution uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to extract and digitise critical details from pdf transaction records, such as the notional value of a swap or strike price of an options contract.  Creating this digitised representation of the trade is critical to automating onward processing and reducing the risk of human error in reviewing or transcribing these complex transactions.

Umniya Ahmed, Executive Director, Investment Management strategy, at OSTTRA, said: “Historically, the time it takes to process and confirm a paper OTC trade can take days and in some cases weeks. No two documents have the same legal structure – which presents a major headache to a typical investment manager dealing with multiple counterparties and numerous instrument types.  Our solution uses AI to adapt to any type of paper transaction, irrespective of length or format.

By adding a paper digitisation element to Trade Manager, Investment Managers will be able to process the more intricate derivatives transactions alongside their existing electronic trade flow – allowing them to monitor all their OTC trades in one place.”

The launch of this new solution reflects OSTTRA’s ongoing commitment to expanding its services for the Investment Management community, leveraging its global network to streamline and standardise post-trade workflows.

The paper digitisation solution is available for FX options and equity swaps from this month, and then fixed income options, commodity swaps and non-deliverable forwards (NDFs) from September.

OSTTRA was formed in 2021 through the combination of MarkitServ, Traiana, TriOptima and Reset, four businesses that have been at the heart of post-trade evolution and innovation for more than 20 years.


To find out more, click here.

Portfolio Reconciliation & Collateral Update – 2024 Round Up

2024 was a year of significant progress in collateral and portfolio reconciliation, and we’re thrilled to share some highlights. Looking ahead to 2025, we’re committed to further empowering market participants by simplifying workflows, reducing risk, optimising margin processing, and facilitating a seamless adoption of new regulations. Thank you for your continued partnership

OSTTRA and LCH SwapAgent collaborate to reconcile bilateral OTC trade data

LONDON, 2nd August, 2022 – OSTTRA, the global post-trade solutions company, today announced that its market-leading portfolio reconciliation service, OSTTRA triResolve, is actively reconciling data received from LCH SwapAgent, part of London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG).

Building on an existing relationship between OSTTRA and LCH SwapAgent, where trades legally confirmed on OSTTRA MarkitWire are registered into the LCH SwapAgent non-cleared service, this collaboration provides enhanced benefits to customers.

LCH SwapAgent is a service designed to standardise and simplify the valuation and settlement of non-cleared OTC derivatives and is now connected to OSTTRA triResolve to enable the reconciliation of member trade data.

Market participants can authorise SwapAgent to send their data directly to OSTTRA triResolve so that they can reconcile all their holdings versus counterparties in one place – at the required regulatory frequency for total portfolio size. This enables participants to use one coherent reconciliation process that takes advantage of OSTTRA triResolve’s workflow tools to help investigate and resolve differences.

“We are pleased to assist the market with this direct link. Having all portfolios on OSTTRA triResolve, enabling a straight through process, reduces operational complexity for our customers” said Sheila Schofield, triResolve Business Management. “Firms impacted by uncleared margin rules will also benefit from a streamlined process when managing regulatory initial margin” Sheila added.

“We continue to work with OSTTRA triResolve to help our members achieve greater operational efficiencies. Facilitating direct delivery of data for market participants, to enable an easy regulatory reconciliations process, helps to enhance automation and is a major benefit for the non-cleared derivatives marketplace” said Nathan Ondyak, Global Head of LCH SwapAgent.

OSTTRA was formed in 2021 through the combination of MarkitServ, Traiana, TriOptima and Reset, four businesses that have been at the heart of post-trade evolution and innovation for more than 20 years.  This integration with SwapAgent reflects OSTTRA’s ongoing commitment to build upon its global network, creating partnerships across the industry to streamline post-trade workflows for financial markets.
