
OSTTRA triResolve Dispute Manager

OSTTRA triResolve Dispute Manager combines margin call data with portfolio reconciliation results to automate attribution of dispute drivers and enable a systemic dispute identification, tracking  & resolution process.

  • Define and identify all margin call disputes across agreement types to give an overview of all ongoing disputes
  • Ability to prioritise investigation based on internal thresholds and automatically document disputes below thresholds
  • Automatic attribution of dispute drivers, based on the margin call information and reconciliation results of the underlying trade portfolio, to pinpoint where to start the investigation
  • Workflow to visualise work in progress and outstanding tasks
  • Possibility to document resolution work on dispute level with daily investigation statuses and free text comments
  • Easy access to audit log of the dispute and dispute history for the agreement to support current investigation and audits
  • Possibility to extract data for internal reporting and audits


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