
OSTTRA triResolve Analytics

OSTTRA triResolve analytics provides trend analysis of your trade portfolio from a reconciliation, risk and collateral perspective.

  • Analyse trends, themes & difference drivers in MtM exposure*
  • Insight into reconciliation quality*
  • Analysis of trade matches, identifies systematic issues and includes peer group benchmarking
  • Overview of Reconciliation* & Margin activity
  • Helps monitor operational efficiency and regulatory requirements
  • Delivers Management Information for Risk, Dispute, Collateral & Reconciliation teams
  • Trend Analysis of margin call disputes
  • Tracks dispute ages & average unsecured exposure
  • Identifies main drivers & root cause of disputes
  • Highlights size and frequency of disputed counterparties



OSTTRA triResolve Dispute Analytics

OSTTRA triResolve dispute analytics leverages underlying reconciliation data to automate attribution of dispute root cause. The feature enables systematic analysis of what is driving margin call disputes over time.

  • Understand dispute volumes and average dispute size for the whole portfolio across agreement types
  • Monitor average unsecured exposure – complete view of the risk related to the variation margin call process across your portfolio
  • Track agreements by days in dispute as well as review and investigate long running disputes
  • Analyse the main drivers of the disputes and understand key issues
  • Identify the counterparties you have most and largest disputes with


*Accessible to all OSTTRA triResolve clients 

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